Stellar (XLM) is at the heart of a decentralized blockchain platform that has implemented an asset tokenization option. That is, the user can digitize any value by creating his own stablecoin, and then sell/buy it. Coins can be linked to fiat currencies (euro, ruble, yuan), precious metals, stocks and other assets.
News about Stellar
29 Nov 2022, 23:25
The last chapter of our epic @StellarQuest is fast approaching. Are you locked and loaded? This last one is going to be _insane_. Let's learn some #Soroban!
The last chapter of our epic @StellarQuest is fast approaching. Are you locked and loaded.🚀 https://t.co/zGF0sJlirE
The last chapter of our epic @StellarQuest is fast approaching. Are you locked and loaded? This last one is going to be _insane_. Let's learn some #Soroban!
29 Nov 2022, 15:09
SDF is thrilled to welcome @gingerkbaker, Head of Financial Access at @Plaid, to our board of directors 👏
SDF is thrilled to welcome @gingerkbaker, Head of Financial Access at @Plaid, to our board of directors.SDF is thrilled to welcome @gingerkbaker, Head of Financial Access at @Plaid, to our board of directors 👏 https://t.co/q5KmHqHwxP https://t.co/EVy2npe9WJ
28 Nov 2022, 21:42
At SDF, we like to talk about how blockchain enables real-world use cases. Joining today’s conversation is @rubengsp, who shares his thoughts on the new digital economy in Latin America and the next stage of @airtminc.
At SDF, we like to talk about how blockchain enables real-world use cases.At SDF, we like to talk about how blockchain enables real-world use cases. Joining today’s conversation is @rubengsp, who shares his thoughts on the new digital economy in Latin America and the next stage of @airtminc. https://t.co/E6zy82ceEn
28 Nov 2022, 16:15
RT @consensus2023: .@StellarOrg is aiming to bring real-world blockchain solutions that create financial access for everyone.
We welcome t…
RT @consensus2023: . @StellarOrg is aiming to bring real-world blockchain solutions that create financial access for everyone.RT @consensus2023: .@StellarOrg is aiming to bring real-world blockchain solutions that create financial access for everyone.
We welcome t…
24 Nov 2022, 22:53
To the Stellar community, ecosystem, and partners,
Thank you for all that you do, all that you build, and all that you contribute to this space.
Happy Thanksgiving!
To the Stellar community, ecosystem, and partners,.To the Stellar community, ecosystem, and partners,
Thank you for all that you do, all that you build, and all that you contribute to this space.
Happy Thanksgiving!
24 Nov 2022, 22:35
Happy Thanksgiving! Today we’re taking a break from questing and honoring our Stellar Quest community by telling tales of quests past.
Quest 5 of Series 5 launches next Monday, 11/28 — see you then!
Happy Thanksgiving.Happy Thanksgiving! Today we’re taking a break from questing and honoring our Stellar Quest community by telling tales of quests past.
Quest 5 of Series 5 launches next Monday, 11/28 — see you then! https://t.co/MkdMhRXpoW
23 Nov 2022, 17:22
“If blockchain is to help power a more inclusive, equitable future of finance, it is critical that the underlying technology is also sustainable. The research SDF has done is simply a starting point,” says @DenelleDixon in the @fincolumnist 👉🏼https://t.co/Ihf3gb1jpU
"If blockchain is to help power a more inclusive, equitable future of finance, it is critical that the underlying technology is“If blockchain is to help power a more inclusive, equitable future of finance, it is critical that the underlying technology is also sustainable. The research SDF has done is simply a starting point,” says @DenelleDixon in the @fincolumnist 👉🏼https://t.co/Ihf3gb1jpU https://t.co/1jEX6LzNDd
22 Nov 2022, 20:51
Why blockchain is STILL the answer to improving the financial system:
1/ It promotes interoperability and inclusion
2/ Decentralization creates opportunity
3/ Consensus can be sustainable
(via @JedMcCaleb in @CoinDesk, 2020) 👇
Why blockchain is STILL the answer to improving the financial system:. 1/ It promotes interoperability and inclusion.Why blockchain is STILL the answer to improving the financial system:
1/ It promotes interoperability and inclusion
2/ Decentralization creates opportunity
3/ Consensus can be sustainable
(via @JedMcCaleb in @CoinDesk, 2020) 👇
https://t.co/OxhuBrF650 https://t.co/bXFv50jTIS
21 Nov 2022, 23:35
RT @tyvdh: If you're hungry for more #Soroban, more rewards, more MORE! be sure and check out the Sorobanathon. If you thought SQ rewards w…
RT @tyvdh: If you're hungry for more #Soroban, more rewards, more MORE. be sure and check out the Sorobanathon.RT @tyvdh: If you're hungry for more #Soroban, more rewards, more MORE! be sure and check out the Sorobanathon. If you thought SQ rewards w…
21 Nov 2022, 23:13
Top technical talent is scarce, and companies around the world are struggling to hire as fast as their businesses are growing.
@AfricaGetpaid provides a real solution to this problem by using Stellar to connect tech companies, digital platforms, and digital professionals. 1/3
Top technical talent is scarce, and companies around the world are struggling to hire as fast as their businesses are growing.Top technical talent is scarce, and companies around the world are struggling to hire as fast as their businesses are growing.
@AfricaGetpaid provides a real solution to this problem by using Stellar to connect tech companies, digital platforms, and digital professionals. 1/3
18 Nov 2022, 23:13
Ownership matters. It's what draws many to Web3, and it's made possible by decentralized blockchain technology — something that @alexisohanian clearly gets.
Ownership matters.Ownership matters. It's what draws many to Web3, and it's made possible by decentralized blockchain technology — something that @alexisohanian clearly gets. https://t.co/dpBEhYYS8A
18 Nov 2022, 21:25
RT @TheDFSLab: We partnered with @StellarOrg for the SCF#11 bootcamp and we took 29 teams across the globe on a 4-day design sprint proces…
RT @TheDFSLab: We partnered with @StellarOrg for the SCF#11 bootcamp and we took 29 teams across the globe on a 4-day design sprRT @TheDFSLab: We partnered with @StellarOrg for the SCF#11 bootcamp and we took 29 teams across the globe on a 4-day design sprint proces…
17 Nov 2022, 21:30
Over the past 20 years in Argentina, citizens have experienced an annual inflation rate of 24%. This ranks as the most relevant issue for Argentines today.
@vibrantapp solves this problem with USDC you can use (TODAY)! Here's how 👇 1/4
Over the past 20 years in Argentina, citizens have experienced an annual inflation rate of 24%.Over the past 20 years in Argentina, citizens have experienced an annual inflation rate of 24%. This ranks as the most relevant issue for Argentines today.
@vibrantapp solves this problem with USDC you can use (TODAY)! Here's how 👇 1/4
17 Nov 2022, 19:28
🚨 We are partnering with @MerkleScience to bring the highest level of transparency and risk mitigation to our ecosystem.
SDF has fully integrated Merkle Science’s behavior-based risk reporting and transaction monitoring system with Stellar.
We are partnering with @MerkleScience to bring the highest level of transparency and risk mitigation to our ecosystem.🚨 We are partnering with @MerkleScience to bring the highest level of transparency and risk mitigation to our ecosystem.
SDF has fully integrated Merkle Science’s behavior-based risk reporting and transaction monitoring system with Stellar.