I'm excited for the #StellarCommunityFund Project Pitches tomorrow.

21 Sep 2023, 17:36
I'm excited for the #StellarCommunityFund Project Pitches tomorrow! Join us in the Developer Discord to explore the newest innovations on @StellarOrg and @SorobanOfficial ! Tune in at 11AM ET:

Same news in other sources

StellarXLM #35
21 Sep 2023, 17:51
Proud supporter of @WEF 's Humanitarian and Resilience Investing (HRI) Initiative. SDF envisions a world transformed by blockchain technology, where aid dependency diminishes and sustainable solutions flourish in frontier markets.
Proud supporter of @WEF 's Humanitarian and Resilience Investing (HRI) Initiative.
Proud supporter of @WEF 's Humanitarian and Resilience Investing (HRI) Initiative. SDF envisions a world transformed by blockchain technology, where aid dependency diminishes and sustainable solutions flourish in frontier markets.
StellarXLM #35
21 Sep 2023, 17:39
Exciting news! SDF joins @WEF 's Humanitarian and Resilience Investing Initiative as the sole blockchain representative. Together, we're using blockchain for global good. Learn more about our mission below.
Exciting news. SDF joins @WEF 's Humanitarian and Resilience Investing Initiative as the sole blockchain representative.
Exciting news! SDF joins @WEF 's Humanitarian and Resilience Investing Initiative as the sole blockchain representative. Together, we're using blockchain for global good. Learn more about our mission below.