Meet @ElliotFriend, SDF team member and Stellar developer.

10 Apr 2023, 20:20
Meet @ElliotFriend, SDF team member and Stellar developer! From his father's love of tech to his unique problem-solving skills, Elliot shares his journey with the Stellar community in our latest #DevelopersOnStellar spotlight. 💜

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StellarXLM #35
10 Apr 2023, 20:22
All the way 💪 That's why in crypto I'm a proud member of @StellarOrg's board. Builders all the way.
All the way. That's why in crypto I'm a proud member of @StellarOrg's board. Builders all the way.
All the way 💪 That's why in crypto I'm a proud member of @StellarOrg's board. Builders all the way.