We are excited to announce a new partnership with @StellarOrg to help secure the @SorobanOfficial. ecosystem.

11 Oct 2023, 16:11
We are excited to announce a new partnership with @StellarOrg to help secure the @SorobanOfficial ecosystem. This initiative is the first time Certora will bring the power of automatic formal verification to a Rust/WASM-powered project. Here's why Soroban devs should care đŸ‘‡

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StellarXLM #35
11 Oct 2023, 16:26
Product update! Today, @CertoraInc & @StellarOrg have teamed up to boost @SorobanOfficial , the Stellar network's smart contract platform, with cutting-edge formal security verification. Why is this important? It fortifies the foundation of blockchain security, ensuring trust…
Product update.
Product update! Today, @CertoraInc & @StellarOrg have teamed up to boost @SorobanOfficial , the Stellar network's smart contract platform, with cutting-edge formal security verification. Why is this important? It fortifies the foundation of blockchain security, ensuring trust…